Chapter 1 Critical Legal Thinking and the U. S. Constitution




1. Define Law

2. List and describe the functions of law

3. Explain the development of the U. S. legal system

4. List and describe the sources of law in the United


5. Describe the concept of federalism and the doctrine

of separation of powers

6. Apply critical legal thinking in analyzing judicial


7. Define and apply the supremacy Clause of the U. S.


8. Explain the federal government's authority to

regulate interstate and foreign commerce under the

Commerce Clause

9. Explain state and local governments' authority to

regulate commerce under their "police power."

10. List and describe the major protections afforded by

the Bill of Rights.


I. What is LAW?

II. Schools of Jurisprudential thought.

III. History of American Law.

IV. Sources of Law in the United States.

V. Critical Legal Thinking.

VI. The Constitution and Business.

VII. The Supremacy Clause.

VIII. The Commerce Clause.

IX. The Bill of Rights and Business.

X. Other Constitutional Clauses and Business.